I thought it was working, because before I went to bed she was standing on her own. But, when I got up this morning, she was dead.
It makes me sad. We just got this family of top-hatters less than a week ago. I feel like I am to blame. We have been putting ice in their water to cool them down and giving them cool treats.
If anyone has any ideas to help cool them off, please let me know. I don't want to lose anymore of them. It is SO hot outside! I don't know what else to do?
thanks for coming to visit me. I created a picture today for our "we pee too free" club if you wanna add it. :)
Hi Nancy!
So glad you stopped by. I'm so sorry about your chicken. That is so sad. I'll be keeping a closer eye on mine now as well.
I just saw that you're reading money saving mom. I just go that book and am looking forward to learning new things.
Nancy I'm so glad you stopped by my place for a visit!! I love meeting new people- especially chicken lovers!! LOL
I'm so sorry about your little top-hatter...I lost one of my favorite little birds last week, too... almost the same way except it was in the evening after having a very hot afternoon. I would recommend going to your local CO-OP or feed store and buying a vitamin and electrolyte powder for poultry (I can't remember the name) but you mix a little with their water and it will really help them through hot weather. (Kind of like Gatorade for chickens! LOL)
I've even found some chickens laying on the ground before and given them some through a medicine dropper, and 30 minutes later they've perked up!! Hope this helps you.
I've really enjoyed my visit with you- I'll be back!
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