Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

This past weekend, my great friend, Barb from Victoria Hill Farm came down for a visit. She brought some squash, zucchini, and cucumbers with her. So I have been busy cooking and freezing them. She has a post on her site about blanching squash. A term I had never heard of before. But, that is exactly what I have been doing with the zucchini!

The squash never made it to the freezer. We ate them all! They were so good! My husband loves squash casserole, so I made him several of those and I love fried squash, so I made way too much of that for me! Fresh vegetables from the garden are so good! Much better than store bought.

I know you're probably wondering why I don't have my own garden. Well, we just moved to S.C. last October. Before that we lived in the city with Barb. We don't have a tiller yet, so we didn't get to have a garden this year. We definitely plan to have one next year!

I do have a couple of watermelon plants, that I just dug a hole in the ground and planted. I wasn't sure if they would do well, but they are growing, no watermelons yet, but hopefully we will have some!

So, anyway, that's what I've been doing these past few days. I had a great weekend visiting with Barb. I love it when she can come down! My son had a great time with her son playing in the little pool. I just wish her hubby could come! And since she left, I've been freezing.

It's funny that the city girl has been teaching the country girl! The really funny thing is, I would have known all this, if I had actually listened to my mama. I really wish I had listened more when I had the chance!


2 Much Farm Primitives said...

Girl, I didn't know you lived in SC!! Where??? I live in Camden.

Paula said...

I had to chuckle over the squash, Nancy... I had big plans for the zucchini, but so far I've had to make 3 loaves of zucchini bread (at Hubby's request) so no pickles yet!

Angelena said...

My cukes are just now blooming here in WV I will be so glad when the garden comes on and my grocery bill goes down lol.