Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Found in the driveway

We have a long driveway that we walk down to get the mail. Ok, sometimes we drive, when it's hot. Our home is on an old family plot of land that was lived on many, many years ago. Most recently, it has been farmed.

So, when we walk down to get the mail, I am always finding things. After a good rain, things come to the top of the drive. I have found lots of broken china, glasses, spark plugs, and bricks. This is my most recent find. Please forgive the blurriness.

My son was so thrilled when I showed it to him. His uncle has a collection of these, and he wants to start one also. I gave him this to get him started. His first Indian arrowhead. I was excited also, since I haven't found one of these since I was a kid.

So, now every time we go down the drive, we have something to be on the lookout for. Maybe I can help add to his collection.


Donna(mom24boyz) said...

what a thrill! My boys would have got such a kick out of finding something so cool! Good eye!

My Blessings From Above said...

How exciting! My dh and my father both collect arrow heads. They both have pretty extensive collections. My dh was just searching the field behind my parents house last night. He hopes to get the boys interested in hunting them.

Anonymous said...

Wow- What a cool find. My brother and I used to hunt for them..

The Happy Housewife said...

wow, when I walk to check our mail I only see dog poop and birds. :)That is really exciting! I am sure your son is thrilled!

Amanda said...

how cool! no boys in my house to be thrilled...well, my hubby i guess!

Expat No. 3699 said...

When we were young, my brother would find them all the time. Tried as I might, I never found one.

About ten years ago my husband found a bunch in an antique store so he framed them for me.

So how cool is it that you found one right on your driveway!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Hi Nancy, I found your sweet comment on my blog and came over to visit you. We also have many places to walk and explore on our grounds. The small road that leads up to our main well house is the same way as your drive. As soon as it rains, I go in search of treasure. I have found many arrow heads on this one particular road. Enjoyed visiting, blessings, Kathleen

Rachelle said...

Wow how exciting!! My boys would love to find something like that!! They dig and dig, never find anything!!

By the way I put up the award you gave me and added your link in the post. Thank you again!


Nancy said...

Hey! That's pretty cool!!! I always wanted to find stuff like that when I was a kid.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog :)

Angelena said...

How thrilling. My boys love finding different rocks and collecting them. They get so excited when they find the rare arrow head and it immediately goes into the treasure box ( only the rarest of treasures get into there)

By the way- I have a surprise for you at my blog. Come visit me when you get a chance!

Michelle said...

that is so neat! Makes getting the mail fun :)