~Herbert Gold, Elder Statesman of The Beat Generation~
The first is the Scribble Me This Award given to me by Nancy at The Zimmer Zoo. Thanks Nancy!
As always, here are the rules:
- Post the award on your blog.
- Link to the person who gave it to you.
- Link to the originating post - (and go add your name to the ever-growing list).
- Pass the award on to 5 people.
- Post the rules for the recipients
1. A Yankee in Tennessee
2. Life As Mom
3. On The Way to Critter Farm
4. Thrifty Florida Mama
5. World's Greatest Mommy
The other award I was given is the "Marie Antoinette A Real Person, A Real Award". This was given to me by Kathleen at Eggs In My Pocket. Thanks Kathleen!
Here are the rules that accompany this award:
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them
I would like to pass this Award on to:
1. Big Blueberry Eyes
2. Carolina Mama
3. Handprints on the Wall
4. Simply Handmaiden
5. Backporch Reflections
6. Farmhouse Blessings
7. Capturing Today
Nancy Thank you! What a cute award. I will have to pass it on. Thanks for thinking of me.
Hey, that House Party looked so fun!
Thank you, Nancy M. This brought a smile to my face this morning! :-)
Awww thanks Nancy!
Thanks Nancy - you are too sweet! :)
Thanks Nancy!
Congrats on your awards, sweetie!!
yes congrats on the awards! You are sweet to pas the one on to me! Thank you so much!
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