Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grocery Challenge-Update

If you'll remember this post, I had a budget of $210 to spend for the month of November. After my first shopping trips of the month I was down to having only $48.95 left to spend in order to stay within my budget. This was especially challenging for me since I had a party this month also.

I have been to the grocery store 5 times since then to get things I forgot or things I wasn't sure I needed. Wow! I never thought I would have been back that many times. I am keeping a list of the things I bought, so they won't be forgotten next time.

During those trips, I spent $48.72. Which leaves me with .23 left to spend. So, right now I am under budget, barely. There are 5 more days left in the month after today. I wish I could say I won't have to buy anything else, but I'm not sure. I may need more milk, so we'll just have to see. I will post again next week to let you know the final totals.


The Happy Housewife said...

I am really impressed that you were able to keep your budget so low. Don't be hard on yourself if you go a few dollars over, you have to have milk!

Barb J. said...

You're doing a great job. This was a big step for you!

Paula said...

I really blew my budget after buying what I needed for Thanksgiving. It sounds like you're doing great, even if you do only have .23 left!
I'll have to get back on track next week!

Anonymous said...

You are doing great! I wish I could say I was under budget this month but I'm not especially after a meat sale!

What's December's goal?