We lost this pretty little pullet this weekend. Her name was Hawk. We got her last November, she wasn't even laying yet. Her sister will be sad without her. They always stayed together.

When we counted the chickens Saturday night, we were missing one. We found these big bunches of feathers. She must have been grabbed during the daylight, because there were no feathers coming out of the coop. This leads me to believe that it was a hunting dog that got her. I don't think a bobcat or a coyote would have came out during the daytime. If you'll remember, this is not the first time one of my chickens has been attacked.
The sign will be a warning to all hunters whose dogs run on my land. I will shoot them if they attack my chickens or guineas. I don't mind them running through, but if they mess with my animals, they are gonna get shot at.
Sorry if I sound so mean, I am just so stressed with losing my pets. I love all my chickens and don't want anything to happen to them.
Go get 'em! I am a crazy lady with about a dozen guns, and 3 bows.
You go girl!
Oh NO!
See, I knew I wasn't cut out to raise chickens. I would just bawl my eyes out if I came across a pile of feathers like that.
I'm such a big baby.
Have you noticed that both times that hunting dogs caught your chickens it was on the weekend? A saturday both times, I believe. I guess that's when everyone likes to go hunting.
Oh, no! I like the sign, though. My guess would be someone's dog, like you said since it was daylight.
Thanks Nancy for your prayers and friendshp.
So sorry about your loss.
So sorry, but we have seen bobcats and several coyotes out during the daylight riling up the cows. The coyotes are getting to be a huge problem here. The wildlife people are going to make it okay to shoot them because they were protected, and now the population is out of control. Hang in there!!!! (my dad was in parks and rec....that is how I knew that stuff, lol)
I don't think you sound mean at all! I would be fed up too. I lost a goat once to a neighbor's dog and I now feel the same way you do about it.
That's so wrong!! I'm so sorry that you're losing your pets. I'd be pissed to. LOVE the crazy lady sign. Hey - you're giving them fair warning :)
OK it's not quite the same thing, but I kind of know how you feel. Every year we plant a garden, and every year a wood chuck eats our cauliflower and broccoli plants a week or so after set them out. Last year we found the wood chuck and six of it's young offspring in their den. My husband got his shot gun, and let's just say it didn't turn out so well for the wood chucks. I don't really like killing animals, but sometimes you gotta protect your turf. Get your gun and put those dogs on notice! Sorry about your poor little Hawk.
So sorry, Nancy. I completely understand. We lost a laying hen last week. It is so sad. We have plans to build a safer coop in the coming months but I've got my shotgun ready too!
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