I know I haven't talked about CVS lately. There hasn't been as much free stuff, but I had some ECB's that were about to run out, so I made a trip. Some things mysteriously aren't in the picture. They may have gotten eaten on the way home. But, here's everything I got.
1 Kit Kat Bar $.67
2 Pert Plus $5.00
1 Ring Pop $.39
2 Chocolate Eggs $.98
2 Colgate Toothpaste $7.98
2 Softsoap $9.98
2 6 pks Viva paper towels $14.98
2 CVS 12 packs AAA batteries $12.98 (B1G1)
4 Gatorades $8.76 (B1G1)
1 Mt. Dew $1.39
Total was around $62
-(2) 1.00 Colgate coupons
-1.00 Softsoap coupon
-(2) 5.00 coupons for Kimberly Clark products
-20.48 CVS ECB's
=$20.76 OOP
Recieved $18.47 in ECB's for next time! Have y'all had a good shopping trip lately?

WOW!!! You rock!
Such a smart shopper! Good for you! blessings,Kathleen
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