Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Now You See It, Now You Don't

About a year ago, I started off with 12 guinea keets. They were so cute! Anyway, they grew up to be not as cute to some, but still beautiful to me. Since all of the attacks, I only have 4 guineas left. So, one day when I could find only 3 at nightfall, I was worried. But, the next day, that guinea was back. I thought it was a miracle!

Every night since then, there have only been 3 guineas. But usually sometime during the day I will see the fourth one. I have found one nest with a few eggs. But, no guinea on it. There must be another nest somewhere since there is almost always one guinea missing. I am really worried that one night something is going to get her. Hopefully she's well hidden.

I have heard people say that if there are too many male guineas, the eggs won't be fertile. If that is true, the eggs probably won't hatch. Since, of the 4 guineas I have 3 of them are males. Does anyone know if this is true? Also, do male guineas ever sit on the nest or only female?


Eggs In My Pocket said...

Hi Nancy. We used to have guineas when I was young, however, I am not able to answer your questions. I hope the eggs hatch and I hope you don't lose your guinea to predators. Blessings,Kathleen

CrystalW said...

My neighbors have guineas and they always get in the rode. It's always when I'm in a hurry. I think they only have one speed...slow,lol.

Paula said...

Wish I could help you on that one Nancy, but I'm clueless about guineas. I'm sorry you've lost so many, but they're kinda hard to put up at night, aren't they?

Tipper said...

A man down the road had guineas when I was growing up-I always liked to hear them fussing.

nannykim said...

So don't these make a funny noise?

Beki@Prosac said...

So, are guineas turkeys? They are very interesting looking! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am looking forward to reading yours. I am in the process of looking for a little farm of my own. We have three boys who need some space to roam, and I am an animal lover!

QuiltedSimple said...

We have guinneas.....they are great on pest control - but lousy on keeping barns clean (they roost in the rafters of the barn so EVERYTHING is covered in guinnea poo). I know we usually have 1 nest every year of about 30-40 eggs - but I'm not sure if we even have any males left - we started out with 12 guinneas 7 years ago or so, and are down to 4. They will not raise their young - they loose them so we would always take the keets away ASAP and give them to my inlaws to raise - something about they dont keep all the babies together - they think everything is fine and dandy as long as they have 1 keet behind them and to heck with the rest.

MommaB said...

I love them...my mom had them when she was growing up in WVA...