Since we way over-planted our garden with a lot of squash and zucchini, we had been thinking about getting a freezer. But, our funds are kind of tight right now. The cheapest new freezer we could find was around $180. We did not have that kind of money, so I thought about looking for a used freezer. They are really hard to find around here at appliance stores and I was kind of leery of buying one from someone I didn't know. Just because I wasn't sure if it would really work or not.
While searching on craigslist the other day, I found an ad for a huge freezer. Problem was, I didn't really have the room for something that big. But, the ad was from a guy who sells appliances and it said to call if you needed something. So we called, and he had a couple more smaller freezers. We went and looked at them all and decided on the mid-size one. It was only $75 and still 15.5 cubic feet big. A little bigger than we wanted, but it still fits. Now, I just need those vegetables to mature, and I am good to go!

I know 15 cubic feet sounds big (that's the size we have) but once you start "living off the land" I think you'll be surprised how quickly it'll fill up. I'd have a hard time living without a big chest freezer. It's nice too if you find a good deal on frozen food.
What a great buy on the freezer Nancy. Good for you and I hope you have great success filling it up!
Ooh, good buy! You are going to love having one, Nancy! We got a freezer last month and it's already half-full.
The baskets inside are a good idea. What I need always seems to be at the bottom. Then I have to take 20 things out to find it.
We have an upright freezer that we bought a while back. I haven't yet been successful at filling it up with homegrown vegetables, but it's nice for when meat goes on sale and I can stock up.
Great deal! I paid more than that for my smaller freezer brand new.
What a good deal and a good thing to get now these days. Hope you have it filled soon! blessings,Kathleen
Way to go Nancy ! What a great deal!Isn't God good! He always provides just what we need !! Love the basket idea. Can't wait to see all the fruits of your labor in there !
Enjoy your new freezer!
Awesome deal! We LOVE Craigslist.
Great deal! Craigslist has some really good finds- if you're fast enough. We've missed out on a couple of deals because we called too late.
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