This is week 2 of the True Woman Makeover Bible study hosted by Tammi at Valley Girl.
Proverbs 31 verses 11 and 12 -11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. It doesn't say she does this because he treats her well. It doesn't say if your husband praises your efforts to do this. It says to do this regardless of how you are treated. We are to do this because our first commitment is to God.
He can trust her to speak well of him and to protect his name. While I don't generally speak ill of my husband, I do have one friend who I share my frustrations with. So, I need to work on this. I need to always have his best interests at heart. With God's grace no matter if my husband meets my expectations, I can be devoted like this.
I need to let God be the head of everything and my husband the head of our home. I think I have a problem with giving up this control to a certain extent. I tend to think I'm right and others are wrong. I have to learn to give up that control and in that I will gain freedom.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss asks "Have you totally eliminated the D-word—divorce—from your vocabulary?" I know a lot of people haven't. There are lots of people who get married thinking, well if it doesn't work out, I will just get a divorce and try again. I used to be one of those women. Earlier in my marriage I thought about divorce. But, I made it through that time and now I can honestly say that the D-word isn't in my vocabulary. I have made a commitment to this marriage. To God and my husband and family.
Any woman who is a godly woman, a wife, a mother works. She works hard and is diligent. Nancy says "diligence is viewing each task as a special assignment from the Lord and using all my energies to accomplish it." What a way to look at cooking and cleaning. Instead of looking at it as a chore, look at it as an assignment from God.
In Titus 2:5 it says women are to be workers at home. The husband is supposed to be the breadwinner. It is our job as wives to manage what he brings home and not waste it. We are to be loyal and faithful even with our finances.
Nancy asks "Have you accepted the responsibility, the privilege of caring for the physical, practical needs of your family?" Usually I think I have. However, I don't always feel it's a privilege, like after changing the umpteenth diaper of the day, lol. I do need to work on finding joy in this work.
Our first work should always be done in the home before venturing to work outside the home. I like this comment Nancy makes on a friend who quit working outside the home: "she’s investing in the lives of her children. She’s working for eternity. She’s developing a relationship with those children, with that husband, and God is being pleased." Pleasing God is what it's all about!
A quote in this section says “only love can make such diligent service sweet and delightful. Where love is lacking, this work will be the worst drudgery.” I need to start my work with the right heart. We are going to have to do the work anyway, why not do it with a joyful heart and attitude. Galatians 6:9 says Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. We will reap our rewards in Heaven.
You can read what others thought of this weeks lessons at Valley Girl.

I actually really like Nancy's look at the "division of labour" around the home. I think it's wonderful that God's created unique roles for husbands and wives individually, specifically designed to work TOGETHER. (Pam has a good look at this on her post)
I really need to work at not "husband-bashing" when I'm together with a bunch of my friends. It's such an easy place to go! So many times, it IS funny and true and not even something I'm mad about, but I shudder to think how I'd feel if I realized he'd heard everything.
Great post, Nancy!
Excellent thoughts Nancy!
I found these lessons all to really hit home. Convicting, challenging and inspiring!
Great thoughts and congratulations on eliminating the D-word. I have been discouraged lately when I hear of Christian couples who are considering this in their marriages. See you next week :)
This is so true. My husband and I believed it was important for me to stay home and care for our children. I learned how to be pretty thrifty, but it was so much fun to be with my children. I home schooled them too!
These Bible teachings are timeless, in spite of being "politically incorrect", but political correctness and worldly ways do not grow up children as God would have you do it.Some ladies need to work, but if given a choice...stay home and tend the blessings God has given you, a husband and little ones.
Good post. I think there are often special results when we honour our husbands and treat Him with respect--even if we are not looking for "results"--I think you did the love dare book---there have been a lot of changes in our marriage in working these things out. But also we both have been using Stormie Omartian's prayer from two of her books--the power of a praying husband and the power of a praying wife....Praying the prayers on a daily basis for each other has been amazingly transforinng!! AMAZING!!
I eant transforming!
ahhh, meant!!Transforming--YIKES
Loved your thoughts, here!!
Your comments on the "division of labor" are right on target!!
I especially love the quote you ended with. From now on I will be ever mindful of my HEART while my HANDS are working.
Thanks for sharing!!
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