My youngest son is just a few weeks away from his second birthday. During the past few weeks he has been taking off his clothes and diaper all the time. Someone recommended putting his diaper on backwards to see if that would stop it, so we tried that day during nap time one day. When I got him up, the diaper was off and the bed was wet as was his shirt which he didn't take off.
Someone also said to duct tape his diaper on, but I was a little scared to do that, lol! So far, the only way I have found to keep his diaper on is to put him in a one-piece outfit. I don't remember having this problem with my other son. Anyone else have any ideas? I don't have that many one-pieces that he'll fit in right now, so I am having to wash clothes a lot more.

Hi Nancy, I never had children but my sister would allow her toddler an hour each day to "practice" taking clothes off and back on. This makes the act of undressing seem less important and should discourage him from wanting to get a reaction from others. I wish you the best. You all have a great weekend.
Definitely move NORTH where it's too cold to take off clothes. Oh, I have a tan, but it's a farmer's tan... just arms and face. The rest isn't just white, it's neon white. I'm even tempted to cover up the arms to lessen the areas exposed to mosquitoes, black flies, deer flies, bees and wasps. Yup. If it's even tanning you want the youngun to avoid, it's time to move north.... way north.
Yeah, move way north. It is just too cold to go sans, but wait, no! I actually know quite a few kids who went sans clothes in the winter. Not for long though!
The perfect solution is time! When he is 16 the problem should be gone.( hopefully) Ha ha.
Can't help ya with that one. My three kept their clothes on. Thank Goodness!
The only suggestion I would have it to hit the thrift stores and buy some more one piece outfits.
Once they learn a new trick, it's hard to stop it! But I think the new will wear off and he will leave it alone. You could try putting some underwear over the diaper.
I still say duct tape over the diaper's tape...should be difficult for him to remove :)
Other things are to put a onsie on ... kind of like a one-piece outfit, but cheaper.
Good luck!!
I never had that problem, but the duct tape thing is pretty funny. It could work. Duct tape can fix anything. :)
Natalie used to take her pajamas off and then her diaper. I safety pinned the top and bottom of the pjs (on the front and back since she slept on her side). The novelty does wear off, I guess. She only did that after bedtime, not during the day.
I don't know how to respond. I never had that problem. Autumn would run around the house only in her diaper, but never tried to take it off. Maybe he is taking it off because it is wet and he doesn't like it. Might be time to start trying to potty train. Just a guess!
Duct tape fixes everything... even children? I love it! I would definitely give it a try!
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