Nancy Leigh DeMoss says that "one of the killers of the faith of young people who grow up in Christian circles, is that they did not see that their parents’ faith had joy in it."
We as parents need to show our children the joy in living a godly life. We can't let them get bogged down in rules. Because, rules are no fun for children, or adults really. We should live by example. Our children need to see that the way we live our lives for Jesus is the greatest way to live.
Now, I know this isn't new for you to know that our children are "bombarded with messages of sexuality." Everyone knows that is all over TV and magazines. As parents, we are responsible for knowing what our children are viewing.
Modesty should be a way of life. We should dress appropriately and surround ourselves with appropriate things. Things like the magazines we allow into our homes and the movies and TV shows we watch. I should do a better job with what we watch on TV. It's not cable, but still there are some shows which are questionable that we watch. I will have to remember that I am to be an example. Not just say, you can't watch it, but I can. That's not the way to teach my son what is right and wrong.
Deuteronomy 6 verses 6-7: 6"These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. 7"You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
In these verses we are commanded to teach our children the way in which to live. We are to teach them the Bible and share God's word with them. Any time can be a teaching time. If we see ourselves in a situation that we feel they can learn from, we are to use that opportunity to teach them. To teach our children to think about what God would have them do.
As with anything, we are not to get too caught up in rules because, this too, is a matter of the heart. Like with us, if we teach our children well, their heart will lead them to the right choices.
If you would like to read what others have thought of this weeks lessons, please visit Valley Girl.

Yes, so true. Our children are the little eyes and ears that like sponges, soak up all we say and do and often "see" the attitude and motives behind them. Do we tell little "harmless lies" to friends and family? Do we practice the character assassination of them? Our children see those things no matter what we SAY. And as an older person I have seen the fruit of Christian parents who thought they had hidden these attributes from each other and the world....not pretty fruit either!
And this lesson is so important for you because you want to raise up sons who will be Godly husbands and fathers, and also teach them what to look for in a future spouse.One day, God willing, they will marry and add daughters to your family!
Good and thought provoking post Nancy. Thank-you.
I am so enjoying this series on your blog.
I have boys and girls so I can take a lot away from messages geared toward either. Something I like to do though when I hear a good message geared towards girls is think about how I could encourage my boys to be looking for these qualities in future wives or to respect these qualities found in young ladies.
Same for my girls. While I take away good info from messages geared towards boys for my boys I also like to take away something to encourage my girls to look for in future husbands.
I don't know if that made any sense, but just thought I would share it.
I really enjoy your blog.
I love that these lessons give practical help and biblical counsel on parenting, regardless of the area/phase of our children's lives... or even gender! The verses in Deuteronomy are some that have always been near and dear to my heart... I'm glad I was reminded to study them and hide them in my heart.
Hope you have a great week!
I had such a hard time with this week's lessons ~ I guess probably because I HAVE been living a double standard. I'm lazy and I totally depend on the TV to occupy my girls when I just don't feel like doing something with them. Which, I'm ashamed to have to admit, is quite often.
My lifestyle is in dire need of an overhaul, but I struggle with knowing how to go about changing ~ and even more so, with the desire to change. I WANT to, but obviously not badly enough most days. I really need God's help with this and to spend a lot more time in prayer about it throughout the day.
Truly showing our children the joy of living for God - so important! I love that part of the lesson.
Not getting bogged down in the rules, but getting overwhelmed with joy and love!
Good post....I need to look up that study. What you are saying is so true---sometimes we have and experience the joy but our kids don't always know it!! I think because joy differs from happiness. One of my greatest times of experiencing the joy of the Lord was one of my saddest times! I need to think of how to express or show that joy, especially to my kids. It is like Piper says...our chief end is to glorify God BY enjoying him forever.
Hey, What is the name of the book?
Wonderful words, Nancy! I have enjoyed going through these lessons with you and Tammi, although I haven't had much time to devote to it... it has been a big help to me!
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