Here are a few pictures of me and my sons. The youngest was a skeleton and the oldest was an army soldier. I'm sure y'all know that I am a flapper from the roarin 20's! None of the kids at church had a clue who I was dressed up as.
Last Saturday we had trunk or treat at our church and the kids had lots of fun with games and lots of candy.
Tonight we trick-or-treated up town and boy, I am worn out! It was in the 80's today and felt more like summer than the end of October.

I for one like your flapper dress, I recognized it right away!
I hope you guys got a good haul of candy!
What fun to see your Halloween costumes. I love them all!
Oh I think you all 3 look great!
Half the fun of Halloween is picking out the costume and getting ready.
Ya'll look great!
Your costumes are great! :-)
We have yet to do the trunk-or-treat at our church. Maybe next year! :-)
By the way-I LOVE your blog design! Adorable! :-)
I love the creativity in your costumes. Did you make the skeleton costume? Too cute.
Sheena, thanks! No, it was a hand me down from a relative. It's the first year I didn't have to buy any costumes!
love the costumes! hope you had a wonderful halloween
Great costumes! I love your flapper dress!
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