For a week or so we had noticed my husband's chihuahua was gaining weight. We thought she may be pregnant, but weren't sure. She never got very big. But, yesterday, she stayed in our room all day, and wouldn't come sit with any of us. This was very surprising, because she loves being held and petted.
Last night after we got in bed, she wanted to stay on the floor in a blanket, instead of sleeping with us. I knew it must be time for her to have puppies. She was breathing really heavy, and after about an hour, I heard whimpering. Of course, I had to get up and check on her. She was trying to cut the cord, when I went over there.
She ended up only having one puppy. It's so tiny and cute! They said she was in heat before they gave her to us, we had no idea she would end up having a puppy. So far, Sugar is a really good mama. She doesn't like it when we take the puppy away from her. I guess this explains why she has been so snappy lately. She had already had one litter a few years ago, so she knows what she is doing.

So cute and I bet the kids were excited to have a new puppy.
oh so cute
Just one puppy, looks like you all have a new dog!
Sugar's puppy is a cutie pie!
I imagine he or she will be spoiled.
Have a great weekend.
What a neat surprise! I'm glad mom and puppy are doing good. Have fun with you new little pup! :-)
What a teeny tiny baby! Hope mom and baby are doing well.
Awwww how adorable!
So cute! What a sweet surprise!!
oh how cute
Darling puppy..boy or girl? so sweet and what a nice surprise for you..Sugar sounds like she is a good mama
Woohoo congratulations! Soo cute and tiny! How fun
So precious! can always host a giveaway for the little cutie. ☺☺ Enjoy your new arrival, and give Sugar some extra attention for all her hard labor. LOL.
Oh how cute! Puppies are so sweet! We think our dog accidentally got bred too! Have fun with your new baby!
Really cute, nice surprise.
Enjoying your blog.
What a great surprise!!!
Aw what a cute little puppy! What a surprise too huh!? I wouldn't know what to do if my dog was having puppies. :o
how fun...and good to know this might have been the cause for the snappiness with your little one!
What sweet little puppy, and what fun surprise!
aaww look at that itty bitty puppy! so cute!
Nancy what fun a little baby its adorable, i bet it did shock ya guys wow. What fun just in time for the holidays tie a little ribbon on the wee little one and take some pictures :0)
Have a great weekend.
I am glad you stopped over to visit for Disney Sunday.
Will you keep the pup as there is only 1 or will you re-home it? Your boys must be excited to have a puppy! It's so tiny!
Narelle, We're going to keep it. I lost my chihuahua almost 2 years ago, so this one will be mine. The boys do love it, but the mama is so protective, she doesn't like them getting near him.
Awww,what a great surprise! I know yall are so excited. :)
Awwwww.... how cuuuute!
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