Tonight, I cut my husband's hair. I do this all the time, so we can save money on cuts. We also cut my older son's hair too. It's cut with a guard, so it's really easy to do. Sometimes my husband will trim my hair also. Usually it's just the ends.
But, tonight, I was really sick of my hair being tangled all the time, so I told him to really cut it. He said how much, and I said shoulder length. My hair was wet when he was cutting it, and I guess we never thought about it shrinking up when it was dry. So, it ended up being very short. A couple inches less than what I originally wanted. However, it feels so much lighter and I'll get used to it. So what do y'all think, is it too short, or is it okay?

I think your new cut looks really cute. Counting my blessings in New York City!
I also think your new cut looks really great. My husband was paying 20 dollars every month to have his hair cut until I went with him one day. I noticed all they do is use the shaver with the guards. I found a shaver with 7 different guards on clearance at Target. Found a Beauty school book at a garage sale which showed how to cut your hair and after my cutting his hair and it looking great we now save 240.00 dollars a year.
I think it looks great! And the good thing about hair that (you think) is too short is that it will grow back.
I like it much better--I think it flatters your face!
I really like it! Very flattering.
Oh my goodness.. You are a brave soul, I thought... but APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE to your husband for the beautiful job he did! LOVE your haircut!.. You look fabulous! I think the two of you should go out to a dinner and movie, and show the new you off a bit! (0; ~tina
I think it looks great!
By the time you get used to it, it will be back down to your shoulders.
Hi Nancy:) I love it! I do the same thing with my hair. I want it long, but it bugs me so I'll get fed up one day and have hubby cut it off. He cuts and colors my hair, which saves us a lot. He and our son won't let me cut their hair. I don't think they trust me;) A few too many nips to the ears. LOL. It's good to be frugal! Your haircut looks great, and remember, it'll always grow back. Merry Christmas! Carol
I think it looks really good!!
Your husband did a GREAT job!!! It's look really nice on you. You are very brave though, I would never let my husband cut my hair! He would be like" this is pay back for you ever being mean to me".hehe!
i like it! i cut my hubby's hair too!
I like it Nancy!
I'd be scared to death to let my husband even think about cutting my hair. (You are BRAVE!)
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
I love it Nancy! It looks fabulous. I just can NOT imagine letting my husband cut my hair. Ever....
Merry Christmas!
You have mentioned your husband works outdoors and work is a bit more scarce in bad weather....well, may I suggest he consider a career in cutting hair? You look great and he did a wonderful and very, very flattering job ...I think he should always cut your hair.He deserves a BIG kiss from you for this cut.
Wow! I love it!! Pat him on the back for me!! Tell him that a professional said "good job"!!!!
We must have been thinking alike, Sunday evening I had to give him a haircut and begged him to cut mine. He wouldn't dare, but I did talk him into giving me a really long relaxing shampoo in a real shampoo bowl. That's a luxury that a hairdresser almost never gets to enjoy. Also one of the perks of having a salon at my house!! Then I had to cut my own hair, bummer!
I really do like it that length, and it's not too short!!
Fabulous!! Makes you look much younger and so sassy!! Gives you a glow.
The older I get the shorter my hair gets. Always taught it's suppose to be that way. I'm not at the point of going to the beauty salon every week...hehehe
I think it looks great!! Wow your husband is a talented hair dresser : ) Wish my husband could cut mine like that!
Love it!
I love it! You look so pretty!
Oh!! I love it!!!! I think it looks wonderful :)
I love it Nancy - very flattering! You are a brave lady - I don't know that I would let Todd near my hair with scisors:)
I like it short, looks very flattering! C.O. and I also cut each other's hair.
I should add up how much we save in a year sometime. It'd be interesting to know.
Oh Nancy- I love it!! You look so pretty with hair that length. I'm always so scared to get my hair cut... I've had some bad experiences. But yours is wonderful!
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