Open My Eyes, That I May See
1. Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me; place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see. Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine! 2. Open my ears, that I may hear voices of truth thou sendest clear; and while the wavenotes fall on my ear, everything false will disappear. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see. Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine! 3. Open my mouth, and let me bear gladly the warm truth everywhere; open my heart and let me prepare love with thy children thus to share. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God, thy will to see. Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine!
Yes Lord!
Hey Nancy, I remember singing this in church when I was young but it has been so long since I've seen the words typed out. How marvelous the words are at this time in our lives. Thanks for posting this.
That is one of my favorite songs - we used to sing it a lot at another church we attended. Thanks for reminding me of that great song.
Oh how I miss signing old hymns in church! I am so tired of praise choruses. This is one of my favorites.
Love this song. Reminds me of the days when my dad was a minister.
If only we could use these words as a guide line for our daily living! Wonderful song! blessings,Kathleen
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