Ever since we moved to the country my husband has wanted to build a shop. A place where he can work on cars and keep all his tools and things. However, not long after we moved, I got chickens, so he had to build them a coop. Then, later they had to have a bigger run, so he built that. Next, I got banties and they needed a separate coop, so he built that. I guess you can see where I'm going with this, lol! Ever since we moved, he has been doing things for me, instead of for himself.
This year he decided it was time to build his shop. Now, we don't have very much money, so we're having to build it using as little money as possible. He found some used wood and trusses that were from old turkey barns. That was a lot cheaper than buying new. We could never have afforded that!
My husband has had me busy the past couple of weekends helping. I am SO not cut out for manual labor, lol! But, I've been pulling old nails out of the wood, holding ladders, and doing anything else I can to help him. He said that's been a great help to him, even though it doesn't seem like I'm doing a lot. I've also helped him put up the 4x6 poles for the frame of the shop. Boy were they heavy!
We were very thankful to have the help of his Uncle Ike. He helped to make sure the building was square and helped to lift the trusses with his bobcat. They are extremely heavy. It took me, my husband, and our son to flip them over just so we could get the nails out. Now it's starting to look like a real building.
I'll post more on the progress of the shop later.

Looks like a big shop. I know he's excited!
so cool to see everyone helping..I've pulled alot of nails out myself. It will be a wonderful place for him when finished and I think its great that you've been provided with used good wood...its the best way...
It's great to see something as it's built. Looking forward to the next set of pictures.
Wow! Now that is going to be a SHOP! It is fun to see our husbands' get their special projects going isn't it? It appears we both have husbands who have dedicated many hours and much muscle for OUR projects...aren't they sweet?
Oh he is going to love his shop! We built our second barn, 32x64, and only had to pay for the metal roof - todd found everything else for free. Which is definitely my kind of building. Of course, the siding is unpainted still, so it looks like we have a big silver spaceship there, but I don't care!
Wow that's huge!!
It's good that you can save money by doing so much hard labour yourselves.
I know he is excited to be getting his "man cave". Look how much your son is learning during this construction time! LOVE, love, love the fact that y'all can dig holes with a shovel. We couldn't even get one deep enough for our dish, haha. Had to get out the post hole digger and attach it to the loader. It is SO rocky here. That settles it, we are moving to sandy soil, :)
How exciting for your husband to get his own place. (My husband loves having a garage and barn!) It looks and sounds like a lot of hard work, but it's coming along really nicely! Can't wait to see the finished shop! :-)
Oh I know he'll love it. I can't wait to have my own place where we can build things and not have to have permission. Wow. Look at everyone working together, now that's a family unit. :) What will the shop be for?
Aww, truly a family endeavor of love. Reminds me of those barn raisings when I was a teenager living on a farm. All the neighbors would join in and work to raise the barn for their fellow man. Of course the women had to cook:) You'll feel so good with the help you are giving your hubby. Best wishes! Carol
Good luck with everything--my husband would love to have a building like this.
Tracy :)
That's awesome! What a great idea to use reclaimed wood.
And you know, if you get more chickens you can always turn it into a really big hen house. :)
That's awesome!!! I love when men build things!
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