My husband reminded me that I haven't shown y'all more pictures of his shop we've been building! I can't believe it's been 2 months since I lasted showed the progress, but boy have we been busy!
The next thing he had to do was to put up the supports for the roof. Our ladder wasn't tall enough, so we had to improvise.
This time he only had me and Mitchell to help him. You can see my helping spot up under the roof, lol! No, really, I did help when he asked for it. I handed him the tin, so he wouldn't have to get off the roof. The chair was my resting place in between.
It took us awhile to get it done, but we finally got all the tin on the roof and most of the caps on the center.
We still have enough tin to cover the sides, but we don't have enough 2x4's to do that yet. We'll have to wait till we have enough money to buy some more. But, I think it looks great and my husband is glad the hard part is over!
I will show more pictures after we can do the sides, but it will probably be a few more months.

It's really coming along! We need to fix up our barn and are collecting what we need as we have the money might be a while! LOL!
Looks good.
Don't you just wish money grew on trees. It sure would make life a bit easier.
Great job! It looks great!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog today.
I read your profile and see that you and I both love hymns! :-) I too, have the desire to honor the Lord with my life. As for the being a better steward of money--I've been listening to Dave Ramsey on the radio. Have learned so much from him in the area of money management.
The shop is coming along as speedily as projects around here, when the labor comes mostly from our husbands, and the money for the project is out of pocket, then it takes time!
I think it is funny how our husbands remind us to post~ aren't they sweet? And that shop look big!
You're getting there. A little at a time is how we do things here on the farm.
And when you're done, it's paid for. No debt. I love that!
It looks great!
It will be done before you know it. Well, alright you'll know it because you all worked so hard for it.(and it will feel so good)
Great job.
Have a wonderful weekend.
We could use one of those for our RV. You hire him out?
Tell Mr Blessings he did a great job !
We do things a little at a time too-it looks like it'll be a great shop!
it is looking really, really good. and just think how nice it will be when it is all done and paid for:)
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