For the last couple days Hunter hasn't been feeling well. He has had a temperature. Last night it had went down some. I don't know what's wrong since he has no other symptoms.
I hate it when he's sick. But, I really treasure him wanting to be held and loving on me. These days, that doesn't happen very much. He's usually too busy to be held for more than a minute at a time.
So, for now, I am going to go back and hold my sweet "baby" some more!

Oh poor boy! I hope he feels better shortly! Jessie and Tyler did that all the time - run fevers for no reason. Enjoy the extra snuggle time
Aww-poor little guy! I hope he feels better soon! :-)
Sure hope he gets to feeling better soon.
I just hate it when little ones are sick. I am praying for the sweet little fella.
Awww... poor little guy! I hate it when they're sick, but it sure feels good to be able to hold 'em tight for awhile, doesn't it?
I hope he feels better real soon.
Aww, momma's little baby when he doesn't feel well. I can't remember, would he be having any big teeth coming in? Do you have any measles or mumps goin' around in your area. Most likely an old flu bug though. Well wishes for the little big man:)
Oh, just looking at the pictures of him snuggling his blanket on the sofa and looking so miserable made me want to grab him and rock him . Poor little guy.
That is most definitely what I would be doing, just holding and rocking my little boy back to health, in the arms and heart of his mother~
Awww, poor little fella. I hope he feels better soon!
I know my son Kevin has been getting some new teeth (second molars)on the top and bottom which has been giving him a low grade fever. I know they can be sooo sweet and calm when they are sick. Its nice to be able to snuggle to them and comfort them,especially if he is a wild little man like my son! I hope he is feeling better though now. lol
Hope he's already better, I hate that when the kids don't feel well, although enjoy the cuddling your right it goes away quickly.
Dorothy from grammology
Awww :( Poor "little" guy! I hope he feels better soon...but still wants to snuggle some :)
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