Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Abundance Of Eggs

Recently we were given a flock of bantams by a friend.  They are so cute!

We got a miniature version of my full size Partridge Cochin rooster.  His name is Edward, and he's so sweet!  With him came all his hens of various breeds.

This past week in one day we got 24 eggs!  Two dozen eggs in one day!  I couldn't believe it!  There is a mixture of full-size eggs and banty eggs.  A couple of the banties are Easter Eggers and lay blue and green eggs.

We went outside and counted to see how many hens we had and we have 34 hens.  I was shocked we have so many!  Some of them are over 2 years old, so I'm not sure if they are laying and one of them is with her chick and not laying.  So, I'm wondering how many we have that are actually laying?  Anyone want some eggs?


Marianne said...

I've been meaning to stop by your actual blog and say how much I enjoy it! I usually read it through my email subscription.

p.s. I'll take some eggs! We go through so many here with all my baking and my kids make them for breakfast a lot!

Kristie said...

Wow! We might get that many in a week with the few we had (had meaning that we lost 2 hens and 2 roosters to stray dogs this weekend). Good luck finding ways to give them away! I'm sure there are a ton of people who will want them! :-)

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

That is so cool, Nancy! I've been trying to convince Jason for awhile now that we need chickens....so far I haven't been successful! :) I would love having fresh eggs and I hear chickens are pretty entertaining to watch too!

Have a great week! :)

Mommie Daze said...

That's fantastic! Such pretty eggs too. Now you can do lots of baking!

Firecracker Kid said...

That was nice of your friend. With all those eggs, you'll have to start baking and set yourself up a stand and sell your fresh baked foods.

Cheryl said...

Never thought chick looks so fancy!

Love home grown eggs. Think the brown ones are neat.

The Rudstroms said...

I remember having the same problem when my family raised chickens. It seemed like half of the fridge was full of eggs. =)

KathyB. said...

Our fridge is very full of eggs and isn't it wonderful? Your 2 year olds should still be laying eggs, especially this time of year.The eggs all nestled together are so pretty Nancy.

nannykim said...


Paula said...

All your girls are so pretty, Nancy!
And it sounds like they've been busy- do you have a farmer's market nearby you could take them and sell? I'm planning on doing that when our market opens up in July, if all goes well.

Homemom3 said...

If I were closer I'd come right over for those eggs. Wow, to have so many well at least you know you will never NEED eggs now. Did someone not want their birds anymore? Sounds like you are having a ton of fun. Now will any actually hatch? I can picture when that time comes.

Homemom3 said...
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