Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Kristie said...

Looks like you'll be eating a lot of squash! Yum! :-)

nannykim said...

oh very very wonderful!!

Cheryl said...

Love fried squash.... good eatings!

Homemom3 said...

that looks good and I'm guessing fresh out of the garden? Happy WW!

Shannon said...


QuiltedSimple said...

yummy! i just got the garden planted Sunday - so it will be a while yet:)

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh, all of the great dishes you will be making! blessings,Kathleen

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Nancy Sweetie...
Thank you for stopping by. I so appreciate your visits and your company.

I sure wish I lived close, I love fresh eggs and squash too. OMG are you ever a lucky gal. You can making things galore with these wonderful blessings. I just adored the pics of your little banties and I have to tell you they are all quite beautiful. I have never seen a blue egg, how wonderful is that?

I cannot have a vegetable garden here in Phoenix. It costs more for the water to tend it than it does to buy in the store, so sadly I cannot have a vegetable garden. What I wouldn't give for some fresh squash and some fresh ripe tomatoes. I envy you having a wonderful garden.

Have a beautiful weekend my sweet friend. I will talk to you soon. Thank you again for dropping by.

Country hugs and much love, Sherry

Paula said...

Yummy- whatcha going to do with those, Nancy? (I love them fried... hint, hint.. *LOL*)