I am so sorry! I've been a bad, bad blogger! I had good intentions to blog on a more regular basis, but, somehow that hasn't worked out for me yet. Even worse, I haven't been visiting your blogs either! I am so ashamed, I'm a bad blogger and a bad bloggy friend!
So, since the picture says no excuses, I won't make any. I will, however, give you some reasons (LOL!!!) why I haven't been around. First of all, let me just say that 8th grade math is hard! I am having to relearn everything I have forgotten over the years. And apparently that was alot! That takes up a good amount of time. First I have to figure it out and then figure out how to teach it, lol! But we're getting there.
Also, I seem to have a harder time coming up with things to blog about since Barb and her family moved in. I don't really know why, you would think I would have more to blog about. Who knows?
Plus, I can't find my camera, and I really like to include pictures with my posts. It's been missing for weeks! I have no idea where it is. If anyone finds it, let me know!
The past couple days I have been kinda depressed too. It seems like there is so much going on and I am so behind on everything, I don't know how to get caught back up.
If I leave this one out, some of you that are my Facebook friends would know! So, here goes, I am addicted to the game Frontierville on Facebook. A friend got me started on it, and I can't seem to stop. I know it's bad, but I can't help it.
I didn't want y'all to think I fell off the face of the earth or anything. I am going to try and visit y'all sometime in the next week, sorry I've not been by. I promise to try and do better!

I haven't been blogging a whole lot lately either. Don't apologize--it is nice to just do it whenever!
Oh Nancy, you're not alone gal. Don't feel too bad. Although you are a dear heart for taking another family into your home, it is bound to have an impact on you. I sure hope you find your camera. Stay strong and focuesed, and learn that math! LOL. The same thing happened to me when I had to take a couple college courses years ago. I felt kinda tupid:) But, it all came back to me in no time.
oh, it happens to the best of us! but we still love you Nancy!
No worries, I figure this blogging stuff is just a hobby. I hope I never feel obligated to post or the fun might be gone.
Gave you a shout out the other day. btw =)
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