Thursday, January 20, 2011


It started Monday night with Barb's youngest son.  At first we thought maybe he ate something bad and it made him sick.  Then her oldest got it, and so on until all the kids had it except for Mitchell.  Knock on wood, lol!  So far he's still healthy!

Hunter had the worst of it last night.  Poor thing, he'd wake up and throw up, then go right back to sleep, until he had to do it all over again.  He didn't want to sleep anywhere but on the living room floor.  So, I let him and I slept on the couch.  Getting up to help him when needed.  So, there wasn't much sleep for either of us. 

The kids seem to be feeling better today, but my husband is feeling sick.  Hopefully it won't be too bad on him and we can all get some sleep tonight! 


Homemom3 said...

oh no, so sorry and hope they all begin feeling better very soon. I do the same thing with my kids, if they are sick and throwing up like that I bring them to the living room, toss some pillow and a blanket on the carpet and place a bucket nearby with some water and crackers. Hope it doesn't hit the adults too bad. Take care.


Oh, bless you my friend!! Sounds like it's making its way around your household now!!

Hope ALL of you will be better...this too shall pass!


Donnie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. It is always worse when the little ones are sick. Hope it passes through quickly and it spares you.

Country Whispers said...

Hope it all passes quickly.
Rest up!

Kristie said...

I hope everyone gets well quickly and those of you who haven't gotten it won't! No fun! Take care! :-)

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hope all are well soon! Take-Care of your self, Nancy.

Tracy :)

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh Nancy, it's at our house too. Hang in there:)

Tipper said...

Oh I'm sorry for you all-and I hope it's over and no one else gets it.

nannykim said...

My daughter's fam had that bug Christmas week! That is one of the worse things, I do believe! Hey, my daughter's labor has begun today so say a prayer for her!