Mitchell in his Scarecrow Ghost Face Costume |
We started our Halloween celebration on Saturday with our church's Trunk-or-Treat. We had barbeque and lots of sweet desserts, games, and of course candy. We had costume contests and trunk decorating contests. It's always so much fun to get together with our church family! And even better when I can dress up!
My pirate costume |
My costume this year was a pirate. I put it together from different pieces I already had and I got the vest from a thrift store. The only pieces I had to buy for my costume were the shirt (on clearance), the boot tops, and the pistol, all were on sale too. The vest was a sleeveless shirt, but I made it into a vest by cutting it, putting in grommets, and adding laces.
Me as a pirate and Barb as a gypsy |
Then on Sunday our town had a Trunk-or-Treat. So we took the kids to that too. Hunter had so much fun in the bouncy castles, getting candy, and sno-cones.
Hunter as a Knight (he lost his helmet) |
Last night on Halloween we went to town and Trick-or-Treated.
Mitchell changed to a scarier mask for Halloween |
We walked half the way, then my husband drove the truck the rest of the way with us in the back. Boy was that nicer than all that walking!
The kids on the back of the truck |
Hunter was so excited he didn't pay attention and fell all the time, poor thing! it only hurt the last time when he fell on the pavement.
Running back to the truck after getting candy |
I hope y'all had a fun Halloween too!
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