Monday, January 23, 2012

1,000 Gifts Week 3

We are on week three of The Year of 1,000 gifts.  Won't you join me in counting your blessings by clicking on the link above?

Here are my gifts from above for the last week!

46.  Wearing my soft, pink, aloe infused socks

47.  Hunter feeling better after having a fever all day

48.  Giggling like teenagers

49.  Strength to get through a bad homeschooling day

50.  Holding hands with my husband

51.  The memory of Mitchell and I watching a meteor shower under blankets on the trampoline

52.  Devotions that make my day better

53.  Discovering new inspiration in the Bible

54.  Not saying everything that pops into my head

55.  Finding cookies I didn't know I had

56.  My oldest reading

57.  The way Hunter says Disney World- makes me smile every time

58.  Not getting bad storms here on Saturday

59.  My 2 so-ugly-they-are-beautiful guineas

60.  2 huge birds who looked like they were dancing together

61.  The laughs we had when we saw a opossum running through the yard

62.  The moon

63.  A moment of Quiet

64.  Blue eyes

65.  The smell of laundry fresh from the dryer

66. Barb's new flooring