Last night I was invited to an advance screening of the new 3-D movie John Carter. In case you don't know (I didn't) the movie is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic A Princess of Mars. It was the first novel in his Barsoom series written 100 years ago. Barsoom is the writer's name for the planet Mars where much of the story takes place.
John Carter stars Taylor Kitsch in the title role with Lynn Collins playing Dejah Thoris, a strong intelligent woman, who also happens to be a princess. The two had great chemistry in the movie.
From Disney:
“John Carter” is an action-adventure set on the wild and mysterious planet of Barsoom (Mars) with its unfamiliar inhabitants: the warring Red Men of Zodanga and Helium, the savage Tharks and the manipulative and all-powerful Therns.
Once a world rich with life and civilization, Barsoom is now a dying planet, devastated by conflicts that have raged for over ten thousand years. The Zodangans, lead by Sab Than, battle with the Heliumites, whose beautiful Princess Dejah Thoris strives to find a solution that will end the fighting and save her beloved planet.
Once a world rich with life and civilization, Barsoom is now a dying planet, devastated by conflicts that have raged for over ten thousand years. The Zodangans, lead by Sab Than, battle with the Heliumites, whose beautiful Princess Dejah Thoris strives to find a solution that will end the fighting and save her beloved planet.
I went into this movie not expecting much. From the previews I saw, I thought it would be lots of action and fighting, with little story. So I took Mitchell with me to see it since he likes that kind of thing. I should have known since it was Disney it would be amazing! Both my son and I loved it. I admit it took me a few minutes to get into it, but once I did, it was just WOW! I love how the 3-D wasn't always coming at you like some movies. It was there, just more understated.
My favorite thing besides John Carter was Woola. Woola is a creature similar to a dog in that it's very loyal to it's master. That's him pictured above. Isn't he cute?
According to my 14 year old: This movie has something for the whole family. It has action for the guys, romance for the women, and laughter for everyone. I agree! I can't wait to see it again. With everything that was going on in the movie I know there are new things I'll see next time!
John Carter is rated PG-13 and opens nationwide this Friday.
Here's a clip from the movie:
I was given a pass from Disney for my son and I to attend an advance screening of John Carter. All opinions are our own and were not influenced in any way.

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