Monday, September 15, 2008

Online Again!

I had another weekend of computer problems. Since Thursday, my computer only worked for maybe 45 minutes, total! I spent a lot of time on the phone with tech support. That was lots of fun!

This morning I called the repair line and they sent a guy out to take a look at it. He said my modem was bad. So, he gave me a new one to replace it. It's prettier, but most of all it works! Yay!!! I am (hopefully) back online for good.

I have missed visiting all your blogs. I hope everyone that was in Ike's path is okay. Well, I'm off to do a little blog hopping. See y'all soon!


2 Much Farm Primitives said...

Welcome back!!

Rachelle said...

yeah !!!! we had to get a new one a few years ago. I didn't even think of that, sorry! Glad you are up, been missing ya!
Have a great day!

Amanda said...

welcome back!