Monday, May 18, 2009

The Garden is Really Growing

We have been blessed with a lot of rain lately. The garden is loving it! The potatoes have grown a lot! We keep having to stack more bricks. It's now about 2 1/2 feet tall. Here lately we have been adding dirt every few days.

The squash also have grown so big! They are starting to flower with little squash!

The okra is growing too, although a little slower.

Apparently we bought the wrong kind of green beans. Instead of bush beans, we bought pole beans. So, we have been improvising so they will have something to climb up.

The cucumber plants are starting to spread out.

While not quite as big as the squash, the zucchini are growing too.

Most of the canteloupe we planted came up.

We planted almost a whole row of watermelon, but only 4 plants came up. This should be plenty, though.

We also planted carrots, onions, and peppers, but none of them came up. Well, some of the carrots may have came up, but when we weeded my son may have pulled them up by accident. Also, remember all that lettuce that looked really good early on. Well, I only have 1 plant that grew up. This is it below.

I also tried growing tomato plants from seeds, but they are taking forever. They just kinda seemed to stop growing, so I gave up and bought this plant.

Do you have a garden? How is it doing?


Anonymous said...

Your garden is looking good Nancy. We just have a few plants this year but we have very good luck with watermelons last Summer. Oh, how I would love to have some fried okra!!!

Donna(mom24boyz) said...

It looks great! I so wanted to plant one this year. Just never got around to it. Yours looks awesome.

QuiltedSimple said...

Your garden looks great! I haven't planted mine yet - we just had a very hard frost 2 nights ago - glad I was too lazy to plant:) Hopefully this weekend I can get out there...

Tipper said...

Wow your garden looks great. Mine is doing pretty good-but your plants are farther along than mine.

Shannon said...

Your garden looks great. My bell peppers didn't come up at all. That was sad because we cook them in allot of sauces. I guess I am gonna have to break down and buy some like you did with your tomatoes. Oh well, you win some you lose some. I have never had any luck with carrots around here either. I don't think we have the right soil for them.

Rachelle said...

Wow ! looks great, I have to ask what on earth is orka ? Is it a southern thing ? LOL
Can't wait to hear what yummy dishes you'll be making soon!
Be blessed my friend-

nannykim said...

I have heard that pole beans can only wrap around in one direction--I am curious.

Our garden has been doing really well. We have lots of herbs that we have been using and lettuce. I have quite a few green tomaotes and I have been eating blueberries (we have 2 small (tiny) bushes--but they are producing enough to get a few treats ;-) each day.

Amanda said...

your garden is looking fabulous! we are still working on getting ours in...but i suppose we get a later start since it is colder up here in indiana for longer! :)

Paula said...

Everything looks great, Nancy! Since we are just starting ours, (again) nothing has come up yet... my tomato plants are hanging in there, too!

Terry said...

WOW Nancy

I cannot believe how your garden has grown. It's fantastic.
Amazing what a little rain and some sunshine can do with a little bit of love and faith thrown into the mix :)
Blessings to you sweetie !

Eggs In My Pocket said...

My goodness Nancy, you have quite the green thumb! Everything just looks wonderful! blessings,Kathleen

KathyB. said...

Your garden grows faster than ours. The Pacific Northwest has been pretty cold and rainy, so when your picking veggies, we'll probably just have blossoms . Oh well, I can drool over your squash while I wait for ours!

CrystalW said...

I bought seeds, but we haven't planted them yet. Everytime we start, it rains or should say pours. We plan to do it this weekend. I hope its not too late. We do have tomato plants in buckets. My husband had to stake them up yesterday.

Nancy said...

I'm so jealous!! I'm too lazy to plant an entire garden *blush*

I do have a tomato plant and a green pepper plant that I just put in the other day though...we'll see how they do :)

Crazy Chicken Lady said...

Nancy, all your plants look great! It has still been too cold to plant at all here. Usually, we're only safe planting after Memorial day. My mini fruit trees look to be doing very well, tho. My peach tree has quite a few blooms on it and the nectarine has one. So, hopefully I'll have lots of yummy peaches this year.

I'd love to have your extra squash ;)

Homemom3 said...

Nancy I just wanted to thank you for sharing this with us. How are they doing these days? The kids and I have decided (depending how yours turn out) we will do this no matter where we are living next year.

Lisa said...

So far t his year, we have a few zuc plants and some yellow squash, a few peppers and one lone cherry tomato plant. I have some basil also, but I am not sure how it is going to do.
Honestly, with the beautiful variety of things that we can get at the farmers market starting the middle of this month, I am not sure we wouldn't come out better just buying what we need , because we spent a TON last summer getting the garden done.