Tipper at Blind Pig and the The Acorn asked for help with a test to see if things really do grow better when you plant by the signs. If you want more details about the experiment me, Tipper, and other bloggers are doing, please visit her post on the test.
In order for everyone to do the test she sent us each some corn to plant. We were to plant half on sign for the best day, and half on the sign for the worst day. In this case the best day was on the 23 and the wost day was on the 26. My hubby helped by plowing up a spot with the push plow. We planted 10 seeds in one row on the 23 and 10 seeds in another row on the 26.
I thought this would be fun to see if there were any differences in the way the corn grows. The way the heat is and the bugs are around here, I'll be lucky if any of it grows, lol!

I am looking forward to the outcome. I've always wanted to do this but just never took the initiative. Leave it up to Tipper to rally the troops.
Hey it would be interesting to see if there really is a difference! I've always heard about planting by signs, but i don't think I've ever tried it!
It will be great to see the outcome. ;-)
Oh how cool! I can't wait to see if there's a difference :)
Sounds like a cute experiment. So dry here we have already had to replant the soybeans that the hubs planted last week. Need rain something fierce.
This will be fun to watch Nancy. I hope the heat and the bugs won't destroy the whole experiment.
I love the plow!! HEy, thanks for saying a prayer for SKipper. The colonel's advice was to try one last time to take the course. He will try in the Fall and he will do some studying this summer--don't know if this will help, but it is one last effort.
This is going to be an interesting experiment, Nancy! I would love to participate, but the corn we planted in May isn't doing so hot!
This is interesting. Can't wait to see the results!
This will be interesting to see how it turns out. We've had bad luck with corn. Maybe we planted it on the wrong day!
What a fascinating experiment! It will be interesting to see how it comes out! Keep us posted!
I will be very interested in following this! I can't wait to see the results!
Thanks for visiting my blog, Nancy! I look forward to seeing how your experiment works out. :)
I'm still excited about the whole test too Nancy. I'm so glad you were willing to play along!
So sorry about your Nephew-I guess that was before I started reading your blog. But I know the pain of loosing someone that young never goes away. I hope the benefit is a huge success.
I'm still excited about the whole test too Nancy. I'm so glad you were willing to play along!
So sorry about your Nephew-I guess that was before I started reading your blog. But I know the pain of loosing someone that young never goes away. I hope the benefit is a huge success.
I'm also interested in your results. Looking forward to the updates.
I love this experiment. Great idea! I've always wondered just how accurate planting by the signs is. I've always been a little skeptical. I can't wait to see how the test turns out for everybody! Thanks for sharing :)
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