Holly, talking about the church, says "If we're a growing Body, we're always going to be made of believers at different levels of maturity. We need to teach our kids to allow for that even in the youth group, which is tough, but to allow for those differences, not changing their own beliefs but being thankful to the Lord for what they've already been taught."
She's saying that those who aren't dressing modestly may be in a different season of life than you. They may be a new believer, and not understand that what they are wearing could be offensive to other people. A lot of times we tend to judge these people. We shouldn't judge them, but maybe we should pray for them. She also says this could be a great time to ask your children what they thought of the way that particular person was dressed. It's a great way to open the doors of communication with our children.
She also talks about dressing to please your husband. For example if I have some clothes that I don't really like, but he finds me attractive in, I should wear them sometime for his benefit. Also, if I have something that he doesn't like me in, I could wear it other times when he isn't around. That way we both are happy.
In the next lesson Nancy shares letters from listeners. I would like to share a few excerpts from those letters. One man wrote "We’re fighting to maintain our purity for Christ. If our sisters can help in a small way by dressing modestly, that would assist half the church (that is the men in the church), and God would honor it."
Another lady wrote "I took about half my clothes from my wardrobe and tossed them out. My husband thought I was crazy at first, especially since we have no money to replace them. But when I explained why I was doing this and how I wanted to save my body only for him, he was in total agreement."
A young mother wrote about her clothing "Does it say that I’m a Christian woman who is raising her children in a Christian home, or is my clothing saying that I have no respect for myself or my husband? I want to teach my children what is appropriate and to respect themselves and the opposite sex. Clothing is a basic way of expressing this important value. Thank you so much for helping me to change my attire and change the way the world looks at me."
It seems this series has touched a lot of people, not just women, but men also. It has definitely changed my way of thinking.
The next part of this series is on having sound doctrine. Titus 2 verse 1 : But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine.
Nancy says "We need to be especially careful today. You can’t assume that because you pick something up in a Christian bookstore or because you hear it on Christian media—radio or television—or even necessarily because you hear it in a church today that it’s healthy, sound, doctrinal teaching."
This is something that has concerned me for sometime. I am always wary about the preachers on tv, but maybe not so much as to what I read. I need to be cautious of that too. The reason sound doctrine is so important is so we know when we are being deceived.
There’s no more powerful tool of evangelism. There’s no more powerful tool of social and structural change in our world than for Christians to believe and live out the doctrine and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Living our lives according to doctrine is what makes Jesus believable. We can make a difference if we live our lives so the world can see Jesus in us!
Stop by Tammi's site and see what others thought of this weeks lesson.

It's always hard to practice what we preach ...... consistently! These are such good lessons - and convicting.
oh I like the idea of being able to wear clothes that our hubby doesn't like when he isn't around ;-)....he likes me wearing nicer clothing and sometimes I like to be in comfy old stuff...but I have found some really comfy nicer looking stuff from ebay--skirts that are loose and light for the summer.
Boy when she said "if we all look the same we are a cult", really struck a nerve in me. So true. We were in ATIA for years and had to wear long skirts and navy and white to things. I always felt that too much emphasis was placed on US vs. THEM. Know what I mean? To this day I can't wear a dress or anything dressy that is navy and white, lol. I do dress modestly, but I wear jeans and shorts and am fine with that. It doesn't reflect where my Christian walk is by weather or not I wear a dress day on and day out. I am glad that churches are casual now, so people can come in and feel comfortable in whatever they are wearing.
What an interesting study! The church I attend is just so glad that someone comes to worship....no one worries about what they are wearing. Enjoyed reading this! blessings,Kathleen
Hi Nancy!
Visiting from Bloghop! You have a lovely blog!
I think the biggest thing I got out of the second segment of this Makeover study is the whole concept of taking on the responsibility for helping to guard the hearts of fellow Believers. I've never ONCE considered that to be my job, but can you imagine how different ~ how much stronger! ~ the Body of Christ would be if we would all view the spiritual well-being of other Believers as being OUR BUSINESS??!!
For so many recent years, we've been taught that other people's relationship with Christ is between them and Christ and that we shouldn't judge them just because their relationships manifest themselves differently from ours. That's true to an extent, but I think it's also caused us to become more strictly isolated "Jesus and me" Christians rather than members-of-the-glorious-Body-of-Christ Christians.
"The reason sound doctrine is so important is so we know when we are being deceived."
That is so true!! We must know the truth before we can spot the lie!! Loved your thoughts on these lessons...
See you next week!
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