I won an award! Michele from My Blessings From Above gave me the Over The Top Award. Thanks so much Michele! Michele is a mom to two adorable boys. She also posts very helpful reviews on homeschool products.
1. Where is your cell phone? pocket book
2. Your hair? up
3. Your mother? heaven
4. Your father? heaven
5. Your favorite food? chocolate
6. Your dream last night? unsure
7. Your favorite drink? Gatorade
8. Your goal? happiness
9. What room are you in? family
10. Your hobby? reading
11. Your fear? planes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something you aren’t? organized
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. Wish list item? camera
17. Where did you grow up? NC
18. Last thing you did? ate
19. What are you wearing? shorts
20. Your TV? Supernatural
21. Your pets? many
22. Your friends? loyal
23. Your life? nice
24. Your mood? calm
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Vehicle? Transport
27. Something you’re not wearing? shoes
28. Your favorite store? Disney
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? minutes
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? supportive
33. One place that I go over and over? Disney
34. One person who emails me regularly? Barb
35. Favorite place to eat? Mayflower
Now, I am to pass the award on to some over-the-top bloggers who should copy the list (answering each question with one word) and pass the fun on to even more over-the-top bloggers.
Here are the bloggers I want to give the award to. If y'all don't want to pass it on, that's fine, I just want you to know how much I love your blogs!
Twisted Fencepost
Carolina Mama
Country Whispers
Fit and Flabless
Blind Pig & The Acorn
Your weather must be like ours here in GA - it was nearly 80 yesterday. Shorts and bare feet felt good! You and the family enjoy Halloween Nancy.
Why, thank you, Ms. Nancy!
And congratulations to you!
I think your blog is pretty cool, too.
Thanks Nancy!
I'll have to work on this and get it posted shortly. I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog as I enjoy yours.
Have a great day!
Hello, I just wanted to stop by and wish you a wonderful Halloween.
PS Congrats on the award.
Well congratulations! I do love your blog and am so proud for you!
Hey There!! Just discovered your blog (via Twitter!). I'm also a South Carolina girl ~ look forward to keeping up w/ your blog and learning along the way. Stop by over my way when you get a chance!
Happy Friday to you!!
~ Joy :)
Congrats!!! Great list.
Congrats to you Nancy!! You do have a super over the top blog : )
Thank you so much for passing it along to me-makes my day!!
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