It's Thankful Thursday again with Sonya from Truth 4 The Journey. Here is my list of 5 things I am thankful for this week.
- I am thankful for wonderful friends both online and off! Y'all rock!
- I am thankful my husband was able to fix his truck.
- I am thankful that I haven't had to use the AC or heat in weeks.
- I am thankful for the good weather we've had lately.
- I am thankful for the Lord providing when I need something.

What a great list! I really agreed with #5. God is our only true source.
Hey, Mr. Linky is up and running if you'd like to stop back by and link up.
Sonya Lee
Morning Nancy, Another great list for Thankful Thursday. It has been great weather for saving on the heat/ac bill!
I hope you all have a great day!
That is a terrific list! We all have so much to be thankful for.
I've given you an award on my blog. Stop by when you get a minute! :)
Great list Nancy! Glad to hear your husband's truck got fixed. And you rock!!!! Hope you have a great day!
Hi Nancy. Great list! You're lucky not to have to use your a/c...we are STILL using ours. We are supposed to get a break in the weather next week. Our a/c has been running pretty much non-stop since May!
Awesome list!!!
Thanks for sharing. I am thankful with you. :)
Hi thanks for coming by and visiting my Thankful list today. I think I tried coming by this morning but your link didn't work. I think it was yours. If not I am glad you came by anyway so I could read your great list. It is so great when you see God's provision.
Thanks for sharing. Love your Wordless Wednesday post too. My grandson loves Elmo.
I can't believe we are using the heat already! But I do love the chill in the air.
I just wanted to let you know that I am still in love with your blog design. Every time I visit it makes me smile!!
Great list. I am also thankful that I can fix a truck and that the weather has allowed us to save a little money.
Hi Nancy,
Happy TT ... even though I'm gettin over here on Friday! heehee
Glad you got your truck goin!
Your weather sounds perfect! It's rained here so much... it's unreal.
Blessings to you and your family!
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