My poor little one just can't catch a break. Between the roosters attacking him, then my son's cat, and now my husband's new chihuahua. I will say he didn't do anything to the rooster to be attacked. But, he tried to pick up the cat and got scratched, so that was a little his fault and partly the psycho cat's fault. Trust me, she's a crazy cat. She lives in my oldest son's room and never comes out. She hates everyone but Mitchell.
But, look at Sugar doesn't she look sweet and innocent? Well, she's not. Hunter does provoke her by hitting at her. But, sometimes all he does is walk by and she snaps at him. I think Sugar is jealous because my husband holds Hunter as well as her. I think she wants him all to herself. She can be so sweet, but also very snappy towards Hunter. See all those red marks on his face? That's where she has bit him. There's about 4 different bite marks there.
Somehow we thought that he might learn from getting bit to not go back and aggravate her again. For some reason, that has not worked. Apparently it's worth getting bit for him to try and play with her.

A neighbor lady had a chihuahua that only love her husband. He snapped at everyone else. I wish that little Hunter could just ignore the doggy rather than get nipped at. You have a good weekend Nancy (and I like the idea of getting paid in chocolate too!)
hhmmm a little bit scary....hopefully the doggy can't get near Hunter's eye.!!
The Dog Whisperer actually has an episode with a chihuahua that was very should look up Cesar Milan and this episode..this can get serious and poor Hunter could get hurt. That would not be a good thing for him or the dog.Hunter doesn't need his precious face scarred by doggy bites, or his sunny disposition ruined by fear of dogs.
Hope Hunter and the rest of your family have a great weekend.
Poor little guy! Maybe in time both will get to know each other's limits. Blessings,Kathleen
chihuahuas are known to get snippy around young children....actually they are not recommended....please be careful,.little boys and chihuahuas don't mix well.....take this from someone who helps at a dog rescue...they have about 10 of the little critters there...
Poor baby. I hope that he heals up real soon!
Awwwww, so sorry. Hope the dog gets over it soon. We have a psycho cat too, named Scaredy Cat. He won't let anyone come near him. We used to have two roosters when my 12 year old was five. He couldn't even stand outside and wait for the bus, for fear of them chasing and attacking him. No more roosters for us, lol.
Awww... poor little guy! We live with two slightly neurotic cats. For the most part, they leave the girls alone, but I have caught one of them when he punched Clara with his paw. I have to admit, I'm surprised he didn't use his claws.
Poor Hunter!! We had a Cocker Spaniel that was like that. Very tempermental little stinker. I love dogs and they are sooo cute but I haven't found a breed that doesn't poop, doesn't bark, and doesn't whine... lol!! She sure is cute!
poor guy oh and sounds like he is just like my youngest and he doesn't learn either. He's my climber and no matter how often he gets hurt he still does it. Maybe your son thinks of it as a game.
Oh poor kid. Hope him and the dog learn to get along:)
First that is too funny about the cat hating everyone but Mitchell. Cats can be so odd. Maybe the dog will warm up to your little one eventually. Our just now have stopped running and hiding under the table every time they see David.
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