Today I'm joining Sonya from Truth 4 The Journey in Thankful Thursday. Here's my list of 5 things I am thankful for this week.
- I am so thankful it has been dry this week so my husband could work.
- I am thankful for my chickens who give me fresh eggs, plus they are so fun to watch!
- I am thankful my oldest son and I were able to snuggle under the covers on the trampoline to watch the meteor shower the other night. It was so fun just talking.
- I am thankful my husband can drive my van to work until we can afford to fix his truck.
What are you thankful for this week?

I think you have a wonderful list!! So much to be thankful for :)
What a great list! I bet watching that meteor show with your son was special! what a great moment! Your blog is sooo cute! Have a blessed day
Oh I love this list. I have to stay and visit awhile.
Thanks for sharing your list.
Have a blessed day.
Hi Nancy, You do have a great list today. I am grateful for my salvation and eternal life. I'm grateful for blogging friends to visit with throughout the day who lift my spirits - like you!
This is a wonderful list, Nancy!! I agree with you totally on #5- I am so thankful for that as well!
Good list Nancy! I know your son will never forget seeing the meteor shower with you either. Chickens ARE fun to watch aren't they? We love to watch them run, it is quite hilarious. And fresh eggs... yummy! Ditto on the dry weather, we are harvesting soybeans. But rain is coming tonight. 70 percent chance. :(
Nancy how wonderful there has been no rain, thank the Lord thats wonderful news. Hope all is well I noticed your little guy has joined my little girls blogs how wonderful I am so happy they have some one their own age to blog with thats wonderful. Thank you for sending him over.
Thanks for being so kind too me today during your visit and your wonderful words, I am so thankful for my site also, I don't know what I would've done without it, I am still in school and I was so upset when I found out thinking I was going to college and in my first year of school and possibly going blind. The good Lord answered my prayers that is for sure.
Take care sweety have a great evening, I will keep praying for dry happy days for ya.
There's nothing like kicking back and enjoying the night sky - just waiting for God to paint you a beautiful picture.
Blessings ~ Lisa
I'm thankful for health! So much sickness going around lately... so far my family has missed it... and I'm thankful!
Thanks for sharing your blessings!
Thanks God for all His blessings.. He is good all the time..
"Serve the Lord with Thanksgiving..." Psalm 100~ You just did! Giving thanks always helps us put things in better perspective doesn't it?
Oh, that sounds like fun, watching the meteor shower with your son. Those are the moments that make motherhood so sweet.
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