Thursday, March 4, 2010

Declutter Challenge- February Update

I'm always late posting, but I'm still participating in trying to get rid of 730 items in 365 days with Amy's Finer Things.  In February I got rid of 54 things!  Most were some broken items like kitchen utensils, toys, and a few pairs of worn out shoes.  I also gave away some of Hunter's clothes he had outgrown.

I was able to get rid of some big things.  I gave away one TV to a friend and 2 TV's, one DVD player, and a huge entertainment center through Freecycle.  Most of those were just taking up space in a closet.

I got rid of less things than last month, but some were bigger things, so now we have more room.  If you're participating, how are you doing?


Kristie said...

What a neat thing to participate in! I think I got rid of that many things last year at a garage sale-it really feels good to be able to clean some stuff out of the house!

Tatersmama said...

Oh gee... you're targeting this at me and my bedroom aren't you?
I did manage to do a massive clean-out of the kids playroom the other day, and my room is next on the list. Supposedly. ;-)

So, good for you, Nancy... what a great feeling knowing that you can do it!

Cheryl said...

What a neat ideal. I have nothing to rid of since we did that 3 years ago when we moved. Never know we had so much stuff and I have not missed one thing.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing great Nancy. We have several boxes started of things to dontate and others to find good homes for. As we pack to move, we are trying to be ruthless about what we really need!!!!! Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend.

QuiltedSimple said...

I have 8 rubbermaid containers of kids clothes to sell at a yard sale, and I've sent 10 big garbage bags out for our trash hauler in february. hopefully more will go out next week. i don't think he likes me very much right now. lol... great job!