I was recently made aware of Betty Crocker's Win One Give One promotion. Every day until May 30, 2010 one laptop will be awarded to a U.S. winner and for every laptop won, one will be given to an African child through One Laptop Per Child. This is a program that creates educational opportunities for the world’s poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power connected laptop.
To have a chance to win you just enter the code found in specially marked boxes of Fruit Roll-Ups, Gushers, Fruit by the Foot, and Stickerz & Shapes. My boys ate these boxes in no time flat. They said they were delicious!
Would you like a chance to win 2 boxes of Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks and have $25 donated in your name to One Laptop Per Child?
To enter:
-Leave a comment on this post telling me how you or your children help others for 1 entry
-Be a follower of my blog for another entry.
-Mention this giveaway on your blog for 2 extra entries.
This giveaway ends Wednesday night April 21st at midnight. Open to US residents only.
I was sent 2 boxes of Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks to try and $25 dollars was donated in my name to One Laptop Per Child by Betty Crocker in association with My Blog Spark.

My children are young yet, but they try to help me and each other all the time-it melts my heart! :-)
I currently work in the church's nursery once a month and help others whenever I can. Other than that we try to donate to causes when we have the money :-)
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Nancy, this is a great offer to your readers.
Puddles is not allowed rollups, so I can't enter. But I do wish you and others ---Good Luck !!
Hi Nancy, just wanted to stop by and say hello! blessings,Kathleen
What an awesome thing! I love MyBlogSpark :)
I do a lot of volunteer work (almost too much!) but I just love helping others. I'm trying to figure out how to get my kids more involved/aware and just read about a family who throws birthday parties for kids in shelters. I thought that was a GREAT idea and I'm thinking that even the little kids would "get" it...so I might try that. :)
Oh, and I'm already a follower :)
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