We started planting our garden for this year at the end of March. We got a used tiller last year, so Ronnie tilled the soil and got it ready for me to plant.
The garden isn't quite as big as last year, but almost. So far, we have planted squash, okra, lettuce, cantaloupe, cucumber, green beans, watermelon, potatoes, and zucchini.
The chickens got out one day and ate some of my veggies that had sprouted up. Originally, we had planted onions and eggplant too. But, either those didn't come up, or the chickens ate them.
I clipped the chickens wings so they couldn't get out again, and replanted the things that were ate. I didn't replant the onions and eggplants, though. I used that place for something else.
Since they ate part of what I planted to begin with, not everything will come up at the same time, which in a way is good. We still have corn to plant and then we'll be done with the planting. The strawberries from last year came back and they are delicious!
Are you having a garden this year? If so, have you planted already?

I have given up (at least this year) on a garden. Between the dogs, deer and rabbits I only got a couple of tomatoes and zucchini last year. So I have some bell pepper and tomato plants in pots and hopefully they won't be dug up or eaten.
Your garden is beautiful! I wish we had a garden in, but we don't usually get it planted until the end of May-we're still getting freeze warnings at night.
I was worried about our chickens getting our garden....I'll have to make sure they have a coop before the garden gets planted. We just got them last fall and they've been free range so far.
Oh my goodness Nancy! Your garden looks GREAT. How clean and tidy everything is, you wont be fighting weeds or anything. Those pesky little chickens, ha. I have one or two sneak out when I open their door to check their feed. Stinkers!! Have a great evening!
Our strawberries came back up from last year. Just last week we started get new strawberries! I can't wait to pick our strawberries!
That is a big garden !
Since it's been so dry, we have given up on it. Only have 2 tomatoes plants in buckets. Last year we tried squash in buckets and they didn't do very well.
Your garden looks good Nancy. I remember all the good suppers you prepared last year from veggies from your garden. Those strawberries look delicious.
Wow, that's a wonderful plentiful garden. You did good Nancy:)
WHOA Nancy! What a wonderful vegetable garden, and the strawberries! It is still very, very cold around here and your garden is up and sprouting~
You seem to be able to do so many things that a good wife and Mom can do, and do well. A virtuous and industrious wife and Mom!
Your garden looks like it is doing well this year. We are realy just getting started up here but it won't be long.
Just stopping by again to let you know that you've been tagged on my blog! :-)
Your garden looks wonderful - I'm anxious to plant mine, but our last frost free date is the end of May, so I'm waiting just a little bit longer. Still haven't really decided what I'm planting yet though....lol
Wow! What a garden! I wish we had more space to plant a garden at our house. We only have a few tomato vines. I was thinking about planting a small herb garden in some plant boxes we bought a few years ago.
I am stopping by from Kristie's notes.
Oh Nancy, what a great garden! It'll be so good to see it grow and change as the months go by, knowing that you get to eat all that wonderful bounty!
I came home to find that my bare ground (it's the end of the season here and winter's setting in) is now absolutely covered in knee-high, choking weeds... weeds that will need to be dealt with soon.
What is that stuff that you have on the garden beds? Does it keep the weeds down or something?
Enjoy those strawberries, my friend! Mmmm!
It all looks so good! Your stuff looks farther ahead than ours. I'm jealous of the strawberries-I've never had any luck with them.
Looks nice. We lived in Mullins for a very short time with my Hubby's faminly (about 27 years ago!) and the soil was great there for gardening. We had a nice big garden. But where we live now is a lot of clay and fire ants!! So we only grow things in pots now!
No Garden for me ... I hope to have one someday but I do have a Dad who lives on our family farm and does a farm stand every year so I go there and eat all his veggies! LOL
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Your garden is beautiful! I like the way you did the plastic.
Good luck with it all.
No I haven't.
But yes I do. I'm hoping this will be the week. I plant by the signs and this is the week to get busy.
Your garden looks great!
Your garden looks wonderful! Hope you have a huge crop!
We're working on getting our ground ready for everything. The previous owners here never had a garden.
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