Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Additions

I know I'm behind on showing y'all what we've been doing to get ready for my friend and her family moving in.  But, I stepped on a nail the other day.  It went all the way through my shoe and pretty far into my foot.  OUCH!  It really hurt!  I thought it was feeling better this morning, but after walking on it awhile, it's not really any better.  Oh, well, maybe I won't have to tote boxes on moving day, lol!

We had an empty bedroom for Barb, but nothing for the kids.  We have a huge game room on the end of the house, so we decided to use half of it for rooms for Barb's children.  That way the kids still have room to play video games and whatever else they want in the other half.

First we had to build a wall for a room for Alli.  Since it's a small room, we decided to build her a loft bed.  That way she still has room underneath for sitting or studying.  Once again my hubby did most of the work.  Barb or I just handed him things here and there. 

Her boys will be sharing a larger room beside of Alli's.  Since there are 2 of them we made their room bigger.

We had to do this with minimal money, so it's not the best it could be.  We hope to be able to get trimming for the walls and corners later.

We're moving them in this weekend.  Wish us luck, especially since I probably won't be able to help them much!


KathyB. said...

Nancy, looks like it will be a nice big happy family there! It can be a lot of fun for you and yours and also can be a wonderful time of encouragement for you both and your kids.I predict lots of laughter and child delight in the coming days. After all the hard work of moving is over.

I hope you tend to that foot, a nail all the way through is no picnic and hopefully will not lead to a visit to the E.R.!

My Blessings From Above said...

Nancy, what a blessing you are your family are!
I am praying your foot heals quickly! OUCH!

Homemom3 said...

First, you guys are so nice for doing this. There are only a few that would ever do this for another person, let alone a family. I once was seperated (we got back together though) but during that time I had a family allow myself and my son to live with them, I'll never forget what they did for us and I'm sure your friend won't either.

Amazing reconstruction there. Wow!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Sorry to hear about your foot! I hope it heals quickly.
The rooms look great. So what if they aren't perfect....We do what we can in time of need. It can be perfected later. Good luck to you all!

Cheryl said...

Sorry about your foot, keep a good watch on it.

Great job Mr. Blessings on the room. You guys are the best to take friends in.

Prayers will be coming your way.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

you guys are the best....

Tatersmama said...

It's all looking fantastic! You've definitely got your self a prize there, with Ronnie! Most men wouldn't go above and beyond, like he has, so I'm thinkin' he's a real blessing from God!! And I'll bet in your friends eyes, you BOTH are!
May God Bless you both, for what you're doing for your friends family!

Now... are you keeping an eye on that foot? Years ago, I stepped on some manicure scissors, and they went right into the joint of my big toe. I went to the ER, got a shot and all that... and several days later, I noticed the redness and swelling. I ended up in the hospital for 9 days the first time, and 10 days the second - with 3 surguries. Seems the bone got infected by the puncture wound, and I ended up with a NASTY, life-threatening case of Osteomylitis!
PLEASE keep an eye on it, and stay off it if you can!


Eggs In My Pocket said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing! Nancy, be careful about that nail injury. It can sometimes lead to infection. blessings,Kathleen

Buttercup said...

Hope all went well with the move and that you your foot is healing. Please take good care of it.

Thanks so much for your sweet birthday wishes. I think it's taken me sixty years to learn the true value of being positive and feel so blessed I've been given these years.

Mandie said...

Ouch!! You poor thing, I hope you take care of your foot.

You and your family are really sweet. You will be truly blessed!

QuiltedSimple said...

I hope you are taking care of your foot - that sounds painful!!! How wonderful those 2 bedrooms will be - they are perfect

Tipper said...

Yikes about the foot-I hope you're o.k. The rooms look great-you 2 are so nice to help out like this : )