Do your kids stink? Mine do! Especially my 13 year old. He doesn't take nearly as many showers as he needs and often forgets to put deodorant on. When I tell him he stinks, he says he doesn't smell anything. I said that's cause you're used to the smell! That is why I was happy to have him try out QwikShower Wipes.
QwikShower Wipes are big, strong, 10 x 12 inch cloth-like wipes developed by a dad of 3 smelly boys. They are individually packaged moist body wipes with a light scent that are disposable. These would be great for after gym class, after school sports, exercising, camping, and any other activity that works up a sweat. I would have loved to have these to freshen up with when I walked on my lunch hour at work.
Mitchell was skeptical of the QwikShower Wipes at first, especially since he doesn't think he smells, lol! I waited for a day where he forgot deodorant, and let him go out and get all hot and sweaty. Gross, I know, but I wanted to see if they really worked. I did a before and after smell test myself, believe me the before almost knocked me out! However, after using one of the QwikShower Wipes on his underarms, the smell was almost completely gone! My son and I were both impressed with the scent of the wipe and how good it worked! He's even asked to use more since then.
I love how the QwikShower Wipes are small and individually packaged, so you can send them with your kids to school or whatever activity they are involved in. They are also a great size to put in your purse, just in case you need it! Prices run from .49 cents to $1 a package depending on how many you purchase. Shipping is always free. You can purchase QwikShower Wipes here.
Qwik Shower sent me free samples in order for me to do this review. All opinions are my own.

Can you buy these at a drugstore or do you have to buy on line??
Tracy :)
Looks like a great product. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I didn't have any stinky boys - just 3 sweet girls... :)
I have a giveaway on my blog Nancy! Come on over!
Tracy, I don't believe there are any places local to find it. It sells in stores around DC and Maryland. So, I guess right now the only way to get them is online.
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