I am participating in Multitudes on Mondays. It's the year of One Thousand Gifts at A Holy Experience. We are counting our blessings this year, won't you click on the banner above and join us? It breaks down into around 3 gifts each day.
I am a week behind, but this will catch me up. This is the first of many Monday posts giving thanks to God for His gifts.
I am thankful for:
2. The beautiful blue sky
3. Naps on Sunday
4. My 4 year old playing quietly
5. The sunshine
6. Hunter walking around with no shirt in January
7. The
8. Candy in the bottom of my pocketbook
9. Leftovers from the fridge
10. Love from a chihuahua
11. Reading the blogs of friends
12. Family and friends helping fix up Barb's house
13. Laughter with a good friend
14. Barb's trailer passing inspection
15. A smile from a stranger
16. Smiles Hunter puts on my face
17. Another handsome new rooster
18. Chocolate anything
20. Watching my youngest play in the park
21. My men coming home after working hard all day
23. Bedtime
24. An empty tree stand (hunting season is over)
If you'd like to join up, click here.
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