Friday, August 3, 2012

Sky VBS 2012


For the past couple weeks we have had Vacation Bible School at our church.  The theme this year was SKY- Everything is possible with God.  After last year's awesome VBS, I wasn't sure I would enjoy it as much, but thankfully I was wrong.  It was very fun!

Since the theme was Sky, it was all about airplanes, kites, and hot air balloons.  The kids enjoyed getting their pictures took in the plane and hot air balloon someone had made for us.

The kids made these bird houses and took them to those who had lost loved ones this past year and some to those who just can't get out like they used to.  Last year during VBS we had Mama Cora with us, she passed away a few weeks after VBS, so this year we were really missing her!

Fun during game time
The cool thing about Sky was it came with software and a script to make a movie using the kids and the adults.  Everyone had fun watching these movies at the end of every night.

They were supposed to be confused for the movie, but I think they look sleepy, lol
By the end of VBS, Hunter had learned to "Trust God" in everything and some of the songs too.  The kids seemed to have a great time and I did too!

Saturday was time for water fun!  First they start off with water guns and throwing buckets of water, then later they switch to the redneck slip-n-slide (a tarp with dish detergent and water).

Hunter had a blast on the slip-n-slide

What did y'all do for VBS this year?