Yesterday my favorite rooster, Prince, died. Wasn't he a handsome boy? He was a gorgeous Buff Orpingtonn roo. He had gotten into a fight with another rooster about a week or so ago and had been injured. He couldn't walk around good, but I had been hoping his foot or leg would heal. But, yesterday it was clear he was much worse. We were with him when he died, so I hope he knew how much I loved him.

I'm getting better with accepting death on the farm. I used to bawl like a baby when my animals died. I was sad yesterday, but I didn't cry. I am learning when you have lots of animals, you just have to expect some of them are going to die. I just wish it wasn't Prince.
What a pretty roo! Poor Prince
Oh I am so sorry for your loss of your rooster. He is beautiful.
I'm so sorry Nancy. He was pretty.
Very handsome rooster indeed. I'm so sorry, but I'm sure he knew how much you loved him.
I'm so sorry, Nancy! He is a nice looking rooster! I know how easy it is to get attached to our animals!
Aww :( I'm sorry about Prince.
I grew up on a farm, so I know what you mean about losing animals.
Aw...I'm sorry Nancy.
Animals become part of the family. It hurts to lose them.
I'm new here but bless your heart...He was beautiful!((HUG))
So sorry! But you're right ~ he was a beauty! Blessings, Lea
How sad. I'm very sorry for your loss; what a blessing that you were there for him in the end. Prince sure was a looker...very regal. I will be thinking of you.
Yes, he was a prince of a rooster, but it does appear he has been de-throned. Hope the fowl king Rooster is decent to his hens!
I am so sorry, that Prince died.
Yes, he was handsome!
Sorry to hear about Prince. I have a hard time dealing with the death of an animal. But I'm getting better with composing myself, anyway.
I didn't grow up on a farm, but i love animals! I'm sorry about your Prince!
It's so sad. I'm sorry to hear that. He certainly was a gorgeous bird.
Aw...I would have cried! I am such a sap over things even less sad than losing such a handsome guy. BTW, I can't say I have known anyone who had a rooster for a pet!
Oh sorry about Prince-my he was handsome.
Awwww, I'm sorry you lost your little man. I keep hoping Dirty Wilson will live a very long time, I just know little Jada will be heartbroken whenever it's his time to go. She carries him around like a baby, and he just lets her. Your Prince was a very handsome roo.
I am so sorry for your loss! He sure was a gorgeous rooster and he looks friendly too! It is hard to lose a good animal like that though.
Oh Nancy I'm so sorry for the loss of your Rooster :(
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